It's been awhile. That's life for you. Just a few tidbits and updates. First, my oldest got braces!! Wow. I have to admit that I kind of enjoyed watching the torture devices put into his mouth-- preventing all those newly-coined sarcastic remarks. Even MORE impressive, was his ability to ascertain with a lion's like stealth, that I was about to take a picture of him with said torture devices in his mouth and post it on Facebook. He gave me the Robert DeNiro (I'm watching you, Faulker) hand motion. Hilarious.
A couple of weeks ago we had a garage sale. Garage sales are HUGE at our house. I use them as a teaching opportunity to teach the boys "street smarts" or negotiating skills that they will no doubt NOT learn in any book. Eye contact, smiles, conversation skills -- these are BASIC skills every child should have. I obviously failed MISERABLY, when #2 decided to put on his camouflage gear, a black mask and carry 2-3 nerf guns as artillery to "greet" our customers. Like I said, some skills are learned -- some can NEVER be acquired. He may have slowed traffic for a bit, but the hotdogs and hamburgers that my hubby started slinging, helped!!
The cutest part of the day, however, was when #3 -- 5 years old, came in and asked me what to wear. Given that p.j.'s and above-described military wear is the fashion choice on the weekends, I suggested he put on something "nice." WOW. He busted out his khaki pants and seersucker blazer and asked how he looked! Fabulous!! How's that for dichotomy? Who would YOU want serving you at a garage sale? Mr. Seersucker, or Mr. Military Man?
Mother's Day was a huge blessing. Time and time, I'm reminded that NONE of my blessings have been according to MY time, but rather God's time. Despite my difficulties with secondary infertility etc. I know that God's plan is much bigger than my own. Life is to be celebrated. Life always goes on. Life is Life! It's a blessing to LOVE, and to be given a chance to LOVE. I will not waste that gift.
Life goes on! 5th grade, Kindergarten and pre-K are rapidly coming to an end. I'm looking forward to the summer, to new adventures, and new silver linings!!!