Monday, May 9, 2016

Churro lessons

This past weekend, my oldest son and I traveled to NYC.  We had a blast. In less than 48 hours we crammed as much as we could into sightseeing, bonding and having fun.

We started our trip with some good old NYC negotiations.  My son's jaw dropped as we buzzed out of La Guardia airport for our "ground transportation" to our hotel in Times Square.  Being the good attorney by trade that I am, I did my research before our trip. I knew the standard fee from the airport to Times Square was about $45.00.  My son watched me negotiate. I was firm. I was in control.  I was nice.  He watched another passenger negotiate, but be rude. He saw the fallout from that as well.

The next day, in Central Park, he wanted a churro.  I gave him a $20.00 and went on to take some pictures. When he handed me $7.00 in change I flipped my lid.  I asked him how much the churro was.  He got flustered. I told him he just got taken advantage of. I asked him to go back and get appropriate change. He was too embarrassed.  I get that. I went back...all 5'3" of me and asked the churro man how much he charged, and why on God's Green Earth did he overcharge my son.  Watching my son's face during this encounter was priceless.  He got to see me -- his mom-- be "bad ass" (for real, he used that term).  He told me he was scared for the churro man.  But he learned a valuable lesson.  He learned to be educated. To stand up for oneself. To DEMAND respect and fair dealings.  New York.  Great place to learn such lessons.

The art of "the deal" or negotiating.  It's a THING. A big thing. In life, we will get what we ASK for. What we believe we are worth ASKING for.  What we have the courage to ask for!!!  Such a great lesson to learn and RE-learn at 40+ something!

I had an amazing trip with my son! I love him to the moon and back!  I LITERALLY ran around the town (sometimes blocks in high heels).  We laughed, we cried and we CLAPPED at some amazing Broadway shows.

This past weekend is one I'll NEVER forget!!!

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