Friday, December 2, 2016

Sharing is Caring. We are ALL in sale -- whether we like it or not!

I was watching the movie “Joy” one afternoon, a cute movie with Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper.  My house guests from Thanksgiving had left, and I was cleaning the house and semi-watching this movie.

I had no expectations of falling in love with this seemingly depressing movie!!!  However, Joy, the main character, in the movie invents a self-wringing mop, and is trying to sell it.  She winds up meeting Bradley Cooper, who is in charge of the “new” QVC.  During an exchange in the movie, he’s explaining to her that people do not listen.  That it takes them NINE times to start – to BEGIN to listen. THAT is why QVC is on 24 hours a day! WHAT the WHAT!! Brilliance!!!  

In LIFE, and in business, it takes us TIME for our message to get across!!!  It took me over 6 hours of being in Labor and Delivery Triage last year, and consistently telling the medical staff that something was wrong before they STARTED to listen. By that point, my daughter had flat-lined and I was 5 minutes away from losing all the blood I could. 

The same is true in marketing and life.  It takes TIME for our message to get across!!!  People don't listen!!!  We need to be telling/sharing ALL the time.  But we don’t! Why?  First, we are afraid of spamming our friends. I was afraid of looking "high maintenance" to the hospital staff.  I didn't want to bother the staff, just as I don't want to "bother" my friends about my amazing business!!!  What I've learned is that type of thinking is DEATH.  Literally, or figuratively with respect to one's business.  Have confidence in your life. In your opinions, in what you share.  Don't shy away if you do not see immediate results in ANY situation!!!  Like Bradley Cooper's character in Joy, said "people don’t listen immediately." It takes TIME and consistency! So when you have already given up, you have just missed the mark when people started to begin to listen to you!   Had I given up last year at the hospital and gone home when the doctor told me to, my daughter and I would be dead.  Just like our businesses, if you stop talking and give up, you DIE!!!!

Speak up for yourself. Demand attention.  SHARE.  Be confident and be bold.  MAKE people not you. You never know when it's life or death!!!  

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