Tuesday, April 18, 2017

#Multitakingmom Moment: Kids and Chores

Why are we SOOO worried about our kids' self-esteem, if they are eating organic, or are excelling at sports?  Chances are, they will NOT play professional sports when they are an adult. Chances are, no matter how much you try to stroke their fragile self-esteem ego, they will likely need counseling regardless.  No matter HOW HARD you try to shove organic, or sugar-free, whatever whatever food down their throat...they will eventually eat what they WANT to eat.

What to know what kids NEED?  They need to learn to be responsible. They need to learn to be HUMBLE. They need to learn to appreciate what others do FOR THEM. UGH!!! Is it just me?  Or do I see a generation of entitled, gluten-free, self-esteem stroked JERKS who head off to college having NO idea how to clean a toilet, change the sheets on their bed or do a load of laundry???

We are SO pre-occupied with over-scheduling our kids and shrugging off our parental duties because "susie is just so busy with travel soccer!"  Really?  I truly believe that as parents we need -- no-- we MUST teach our children LIFE skills.  I would like to say that I'm referring to changing a tire on the roadside, or cooking a basic meal, but in TODAY'S world, I fear that my standards have been lowered, and I'm referring to children making BASIC eye contact with a server at a restaurant, saying please and thank you to someone, and having respect for their elders!  (I see SOOOO many parents who let their young children run and push past elderly couples at church without a BLINK of an eye!).  I try to show my kids, and explain to them that "running past people might HURT them."  Yes. You cannot run in parking lots, you cannot push past elderly people. You SHOULD hold the door for men and women just because it is POLITE and because you are nodding to your fellow human-kind that you SEE them, respect them and acknowledge them.

So yes...I'm asking you all. Before you sign your kid up for another travel team, ask yourself: "Is my kid NICE and polite?  Am I raising a JERK?  Could my kid benefit from some down time and some good old LIFE lessons?? Pretty sure you're thinking "yes."

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